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May 2015

Love Exists Times Infinity

By Purrs One Comment

rowdy Last week we helped one of our favorite patients cross over the rainbow bridge. It made me think about how often we are there for a patient’s first-ever vet visit, until their last. There are pets that we share our lives with, we love them and care for them, but that elusive something more remains absent. What makes us fall in love with one pet and not the other? Those of us who work with animals often experience love at first site. It IS real and it DOES exist. It’s frequently a surprise even to us. Maybe, it’s a breed we wouldn’t normally like, or even a species, but like all love affairs once it has begun it changes us forever. When such a pet or a patient inevitably leaves us to cross the rainbow bridge, it leaves an unfillable void in our soul. Regardless of the pain inflicted by their loss, we wouldn’t change one second of the experience. Sure we can go out and get another dog, cat, etc. and another puppy or kitten will walk through our door: and we may very well fall in love with our new friend, but they will never fill the void left by the one that came before. To all of you that I have loved and lost, I miss you, thank you for being a part of my life. To all of you yet to come, I look forward to meeting you and experiencing our adventures together…