We offer in-hospital blood testing as well as sending samples out to a reference lab.
Routine blood work is recommended yearly for all geriatric patients. Semi-annual testing may be necessary for patients with certain diseases and those on medication. Changes often take place in your pet without any outward signs. Routine blood tests can detect diseases and disorders at the earliest stages, giving your pet the highest quality of life. We are looking for common diseases that occur as your pet gets older (i.e., diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, thyroid disease, liver disease, anemia, cancer, and infections). Your pet can appear perfectly healthy to you while these diseases progress.
In-house blood work is used for emergency and anesthetic procedures.
The morning of your pet’s surgery we run a blood panel to make sure the anesthetic procedure is as safe as possible. Changes in the function of the kidneys and/or liver may alter the body’s way of processing the pre-anesthetic and anesthetic drugs, and blood work ensures sure these organs are working properly. If there are changes in your pet’s lab work, it can increase the risk of problems during or following the procedure. Known problems can often be circumvented by a simple adjustment in the type of anesthesia. This allows us to move forward with your pet’s procedure safely.

In an emergency, it is critical to have as many answers as possible, as soon as possible. The information we get from blood tests and radiographs helps us determine the best course of action for your pet. In any emergency, time is crucial and we cannot wait 24 to receive results from a reference lab. Having an in-hospital laboratory allows us to get answers in as quick as 5 minutes allowing us to perform any lifesaving procedures necessary. We hope you never need us for emergency treatment, but are prepared if you do.
Some routine laboratory testing includes:
- CBC (Complete Blood Count). This test gives information about blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It may reveal anemia, evidence of infection, dehydration, inflammation, allergies, parasites, or bone marrow disorders.
- Chemistry profile. This test gives 25 values, including liver enzymes, kidney values, glucose, proteins, electrolytes, and other valuable enzymes.
- Thyroid level (T4). This test provides a measure of activity in the thyroid gland (a common disease in older pets).
- Urinalysis (UA). This test aids in the detection of urinary tract disease, diabetes, and insufficient kidney function.
Keeping your pet happy and healthy is our number one priority. Finding disease early benefits both you and your pet. Many diseases are more manageable in their early stages, possibly resulting in longer life expectancy for your pet as well as less costly solutions for you.