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Parasite Control and Prevention

parasite-preventionWe want to keep you and your 4-legged friends safe and healthy.  Practicing year-long parasite prevention is a big step in this process. Whether your pets are indoors or outdoors, it is important to keep them on a monthly flea and parasite prevention, rain or shine. Living in sunny San Diego typically means we get to enjoy great weather, but the flip side of that is that we need to be proactive when it comes to parasites all year long. We offer several safe and effective parasite prevention options to meet your needs and lifestyle.

Fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites can be very hard to find, and most of the time your pet won’t show any signs of being infected.  It is important to bring your pet in for routine annual examinations. When you bring them in we will recommend testing for intestinal and blood-borne parasites, they will be examined for evidence of fleas and ticks and put on an effective form of parasite control.  Remember, when talking about parasite prevention and control, it is not only for the health and well-being of your pet but for your entire family!  Many parasites are transmissible to humans and can cause serious severe illnesses, such as kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, brain disorders, blindness, malnutrition, etc. We can recommend the best ways to help keep your family, your pet, and your environment parasite-free.